6 Profound Learnings on Truth from the Yamas and Niyamas by Deborah Adele

  1. This idea about how we can use the practice of nonviolence when to practice truth effectively, and not as our personal "weapon" against another person: "In one situation truth shows up body and courageously, as when we do a tough intervention on a loved one who is faltering under alcoholism. In another situation, truth shows up in a most gentle way, as when we heal praise upon a young child's diligent artwork. Both of these examples show the different flavor that the practice of truth takes when it is partnered with the love of nonviolence. The compassion of nonviolence keeps truthfulness from being a personal weapon. It asks us to think twice before we walk around mowing people down with our truth, and then wonder where everyone went".
  2. This is so relevant in today's political and cultural climate. Remembering that we all have different experiences and affiliations that define our truth which may be different than someone else's: "Our seeing is limited by all the groups that shape us, as well as by our experience."
  3. Just like the quote above, how can we hold ourselves to a higher standard of being open to new or different truths (#alternativefacts LOL had to): "To be a bold person of truth is to constantly look for what we are not seeing and to expose ourselves to different view than the ones we hold sacred."
  4. Our experiences shape us, and as time moves forward our truths change. Be open to that and be aware of it: "He understood that truth changes over time; what was true when we were two years old is no longer true or even recent when we are seventeen."
  5. An amazing concept! I wish this were still the way we lived, it reminds of me of something I heard some years ago regarding careers which was:"Your 20's are for discovering what you don't want to do, your 30's are for discovering what you do want to do, your 40's are spent doing it". The idea of these life stages is so beautiful and when you really think about it, life is long! "In India, the fluidity of truth was understood in the practice of what was called the Ashramic Stages, Life was divided into four equal parts, or times in life, in which a certain aspect of living was honored and pursued. In the first period of life, it was time to grow up and, with the support of your parents, learn a skill in which you showed interest and ability. In the second period of life, it was time to use this skills for the good of the community and to receive money in return so you could live and raise a family. In the third period of life, it was time to leave world professions and tasks in pursuit of inner wisdom. And in the last phase of life, it was time to return to the community, guiding and supporting the community with the inner wisdom that had been attained."
  6. As a creature of habit I ADORE rituals. As mundane as it sounds, the ritual of walking across the street every morning to grab my espresso from Starbucks is a ritual that officially starts my day. It helps me reset, gain focus, and prepare for the day ahead: "Ritual helps us to end and begin again, without carrying the dead weight of what we have left behind."